
We recognize that our service-related acronyms are often confusing to individuals who are new to our services.  Therefore, we have developed a list of a few of our most frequently used acronyms and terms.  If you have encountered other terms that are confusing, please feel free to let us know!  We will add them to our list.
CCAR (pronounced “Cee-Car”): This is not an acronym. It is the name of our agency. Like Sam, Bob, or Bill, we’re just called CCAR.
Program Consumer or Program Participant: This is an individual (adult or child) who receives services from CCAR Industries.

PUNS: This is Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services. Essentially, it is a form completed by interview and is the document that enters an individual into the system for disability-related services. Adults interested in services through the Division of Developmental Disabilities contact their local PAS agency to complete a Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS) form.

PAS: This is Pre-Admission Screening. These are also known as Independent Service Coordination (ISC) agencies. Prairieland Service Coordination is the agency that serves most central Illinois counties. Independent Service Coordinators or Pre-Admission Screening agents determine service eligibility for adults with developmental disabilities.

PCP or Personal Plan :  This is an annual document that outlines services, supports, and outcomes for each program participant. This is prepared by the PAS representative, based on consumer and guardian input.  Typically, a meeting is held to review this document with the consumer, guardian, PAS representative, and CCAR QIDP.

Implementation Strategies:  This is an annual plan that is prepared by the service provider (i.e., CCAR) that outlines strategies to achieve outcomes, services and supports from the PCP.

QIDP or Q.: This is a Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professional. Essentially, this is a case manager who writes service plans, coordinates services and supports, and helps consumers with other needs that arise while they attend the programs. A QIDP is assigned to each adult consumer. You may also hear the QIDPs in the Home Based Support program called Service Facilitators.

DSP: This is a Direct Support Person. This is a person who works closely with program consumers on a daily basis to help them meet their personal goals and to provide support.

CDS: Usually, this stands for Community Day Services. Those are our day programs. It was previously called “Developmental Training” or “DT.”

CILA: This is Community Integrated Living Arrangement. There are three categories at CCAR:  24 Hour CILA (services provided in agency-owned homes with 2-8 adults), Intermittent CILA (services provided to consumers in their home), or Family CILA (services provided to consumers who live with their families). Typically, when someone refers to CILA, they are referencing our residential homes.

IL – DHS/DDD: This is the Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Developmental Disabilities. They are one of CCAR Industries’ funding sources.  A link to their website is also on our “Links” page.

CFS: This is Client and Family Support.  This is the label for a program that encompasses the following services:  Intermittent and Family CILA, Respite, and Adult and Children’s Home Based Support.
DT: This is a Developmental Therapist. They work for our Early Intervention program and visit children in their homes to provide therapy.