
Click to Donate!

CCAR Industries is a not-for-profit corporation. We are a charitable organization qualified under Section 501 (c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. As such, we appreciate the generous support received from community members, businesses, family members, and other compassionate contributors throughout the year.

Charitable Contributions may be made to the agency in the form of cash, appreciated property, planned gifts, gift annuities, and memorial or honorary gifts. You may also choose to donate with your debit card or credit card by using our secure PayPal option.

Donations by personal check or money order are also accepted. Of course, the agency respects the privacy of donors. Thus, those who express the desire to remain anonymous will not be listed on our annual report donors page.  Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. You may want to consult with your tax advisor on the most appropriate avenue of donating for your individual situation.

The Donation of Goods or Services is an excellent way to contribute. CCAR program staff plan educational and recreational activities throughout the year for program consumers. We are fortunate to receive a warm welcome in the local community.  Some examples of useful donations are nonperishable food items for parties, gift cards to local restaurants for individuals with limited finances, donated beauty and hair services, gift cards to movie theaters for program outings, discounted admission to festivals/events, cookware for our homes, craft supplies, and children’s items for our playgroups. At this time, we are in need of remodeling at a few of our homes and would especially welcome monetary, material and labor contributions.

Donations to Our Recycling Program are appreciated and help us cover the cost of the program participants’ wages in addition to providing invaluable skill training and helping to save our planet.

For more information about how you or your organization can work with us to make a difference in over 300 lives, please email us or phone 217-348-0127.