Here are some of our most frequently asked questions:
Is CCAR an acronym? No. The letters C-C-A-R do not represent four words. Previously, our name was an acronym. This was changed in 1992 to reflect the changing times. Our name is simply CCAR Industries.
How do you pronounce CCAR? Cee-Car
Is CCAR a public entity like a school or a park? CCAR is a private, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Does CCAR only help adults? No. We provide developmental therapy across several central Illinois counties to children from birth through the age of three years old. We provide services to approximately 120 – 150 children in their homes each fiscal year.
What is a “developmental disorder” and is it ok to use that term? The Illinois Department of Human Services defines a developmental disability as a disability which is attributable to an intellectual disability or a related condition. Examples of developmental disorders include autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, intellectual disability, and spina bifida.
Isn’t CCAR paid by the City or County to provide free recycling to the community, including my cardboard? No. CCAR does not receive taxpayer funds to provide public recycling services. Though we are not mandated to accept community recycling, we have been able to offer this as a courtesy to the community. As our expenses allow, we accept office paper, books, newspaper, glossy paper and paper for shredding at no cost to the person dropping off. We accept cardboard when a monetary donation is made.
Is it free to attend CCAR?CCAR incurs expenses related to all facets of the services that they provide. However, program participants and families are not charged for their services when they receive Medicaid waiver funding through the State of Illinois. This funding only covers roughly about 85% of our actual expenses. Approximately 15% of our expenses are not reimbursed by the State.
Do I need to be eligible for Medicaid to attend CCAR’s adult programs?Yes. You must be eligible to receive Medicaid and be approved for Medicaid waiver funding, unless you choose to pay out-of-pocket.
Does everyone who attends CCAR have a guardian? Many individuals who attend CCAR do not have guardians. Guardianship is a court-created responsibility. For a guardian to be appointed, a petition must be filed in the court by the interested party. Parents of adults with developmental disabilities won’t “automatically” continue to be the guardians when the person turns 18 unless they have gone through the court process. For more information about guardianship in Illinois, click here.
I was in Special Education classes in school. Does that mean that I can come to CCAR when I graduate?Possibly. There are many different reasons individuals have individualized educational plans (IEPs) while in school. In order to receive services from CCAR Industries, you must have a developmental disability diagnosis and already have Medicaid Waiver funding to pay for those services.
How do I get signed up to attend?First, you need to contact an Illinois Pre-Admission Screening (PAS) agency. They will guide you through the process of applying for Illinois Medicaid waiver funding and reaching out to providers if you are selected from Illinois’ waiting list (also called PUNS). CCAR does not assign funding to attend our programs or determine eligibility.
Who do I call for information about CCAR services?For 24-hour Residential, Community Day Services (the day program), and Client & Family Support questions, please contact the Referral/Intake Coordinator at 217-348-0127 ext. 341.
For Early Intervention service questions, please contact the Program Director at 217-348-0127 ext. 415.
For Recycling Program questions, please contact our Recycling Program Director at 217-348-0127 ext. 703.
For general questions about our agency, please contact us at [email protected].